Today was rough, and I’ll spare you from reading my journal entry, which mostly consisted of complaining to God. Basically, I realized my shoulder couldn’t handle doing some of the drilling work, and to top it off, my quad tightened up on me playing soccer.
Instead of my journal, let me introduce you to the crew:
Akai is the head guy of the drilling crew & is hilarious. He looks like a college athlete, but sounds more like Yoda. He looks like he’d be one heck of a wide-out. It’s a shame that he doesn’t know about American football; only soccer—what a waste of athletic talent ;) He’s fun to mess with & is probably one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Thankfully, or else he probably would have killed me by now for giving him a such a hard time! Gene told us that he once asked Akai if he’d ever been angry with someone. After some time to think, Akai responded that he couldn’t think of anyone. And I’d actually believe him.
1st Peter—this guy is another stud. Akai tells us he’s a professional fisherman & I wouldn’t doubt it. I watched him swim along the bank of the river & catch 3 fish with his bare hands in a matter of minutes.
2nd Peter—I stayed with his brother in Lodwar, who is also named Peter. Apparently when they were baptized, they both got the same biblical name—Peter! So we joke that they are keeping it really biblical—1st & 2nd Peter!
That’s what everyone calls him. He’s a freak on the soccer field & is always up for slap boxing. I also learned that he’s who saved Gene & Melba’s adopted son’s, Abraham, life. When Abraham was 9 months old, he was dying, so Danger (his uncle) carried him all the way to Lodwar. It’s about a 3 hour drive, & they say it was a 2 day walk. So I’d say he earned the nickname!
That’s what everyone calls him. He’s a freak on the soccer field & is always up for slap boxing. I also learned that he’s who saved Gene & Melba’s adopted son’s, Abraham, life. When Abraham was 9 months old, he was dying, so Danger (his uncle) carried him all the way to Lodwar. It’s about a 3 hour drive, & they say it was a 2 day walk. So I’d say he earned the nickname!
Paulo—Paulo’s the old wise man of the crew. He’s really funny. Akai and Paulo give us a hard time for passing gas. They say it’s polluting the environment, but they see no problem in throwing your trash on the ground. But I taught him how to say “fart,” & he taught me the Turkana word for it, “ouken.”
2nd to Last Born—They call me & Kyle 1st born since we are both the oldest children of our families. And since everyone’s name over here seems to be Michael, we just started calling him 2nd to last born. He seems to like it.
Lapunga—He’s Abraham’s biological father, & is a close friend of Gene’s. He’s a good guy & has been my main connection for my business deals. So far I’ve bartered with him for an ichilong (chair), walking stick, & spear.
This guy is awesome. He’s about 5 ft. tall (if that) & reminds me a lot of the biter dude in Ace Ventura 2.
He’s always got a ton of energy, & loves the camera. He’s always singing songs or dancing, & seriously, if I ever take out my camera, he wants me to take a picture of him. We got some video of him running around with a spear the other day, & I’ve got to say he’s got a pretty quick 3-step drop—kind of reminded me of an African Doug Flutie!
Day 20: Learning my Role
I’m a supporter. It’s the role I’m here to play. The supporter is a small metal divider we place between each metal stem to keep it from falling down the hole.
It’s a small job when looking at the big picture. The lime light is in the grunt work, being one of the guys on the ladder lifting & turning the drill. The glory is in the muscle, being the star of the show. I came here expecting to be the star. I was going to be digging wells, doing the grunt work, proving my manhood. But God humbled me. It really ticked me off last night, but it’s what I asked for. Last week, I prayed for God to change my heart and take the focus off me. And I think he answered that prayer. The next day after praying that prayer—actually when fishing that afternoon—my shoulder started bothering me. Yesterday, I realized I couldn’t keep trying to push through it b/c it was only getting worse. I was okay with that though because I could still prove myself through soccer. Last week, I felt pretty studly, so I figured this week would be another chance to show off. Side note—these guys either got a lot better over the weekend, or they were sandbaggin’ like crazy last week! But then, my quad tightened up on me. I couldn’t run without it hurting, couldn’t kick. What now? Where was I to seek validation? The supporter—not the position I would have picked. I like being the center of attention. I like feeling like a big deal. I like being on the ladder, showing my strength, my work ethic. But God has other plans for me. And I think he’s speaking to me about more than just drilling wells. I always like the focus to be on me, and I always want to be the one in charge. I don’t like to be second string. I want to preach, to lead, to be in control. But God’s continuing to tell me that it’s not about me! He’s teaching me what it means to serve, to really love others. I don’t need to be physically strong to love other people. And I should have learned that by now—elbow surgery, groin surgery! But I’m stubborn, and I’ve usually got somewhere else to turn. Not here! I’m stuck with what I’ve got. And what I’ve got is an opportunity to love people. God, don’t let Satan distract me from the reasons you brought me here. Keep speaking to my heart. Keep molding me.
Day 21:
Last night we introduced Sammy & Akai to Teeter on Mike’s phone. I felt like we just introduced caveman to fire. They were hooked! I didn’t know it could be a 2 person game, but they would sit there & talk strategy with each other like both were playing…Kyle got stung by a scorpion last night. It was tiny, but it definitely still seemed like it hurt. He asked Sammy & Akai if he was going to die (I probably would have too), & of course Mike & I gave him a hard time about it. We asked Sammy if he’d ever been stung & he said “Many times!” So we felt pretty safe about Kyle waking up to see another day, especially since Sammy’s advice for dealing with stings was to drink water! And I just freaked out a little bit while writing this b/c a spider just about crawled up my shorts. Probably God trying to tell me to stop making fun of Kyle!...We finished getting the casing installed today, & actually got water pumping from the well. Right now we’re in the process of moving everything to the next well. It’s across the river, which meant we had a long walk w/ some pretty heavy stuff. A ton of the girls from the village helped us move stuff, and it was pretty cool to see them help us out. It was tiring, but it gave my shoulder a little break. It’s funny how bent out of shape I was two days ago, when there’s really only been one day I couldn’t lift the drill bit…We read in 2 Corinthians today where Paul discusses the thorn in his flesh & talks about boasting in his weakness. We don’t exactly have the most physically healthy intern team out here, but God is still using us despite our weaknesses. Kyle ripped his pectoral muscle benching & had surgery over Spring Break; Mike’s got crow’s feet & has had multiple surgeries throughout his life; and my shoulder’s been irritating me & I just had surgery on my groin over Spring Break. Not exactly an All-Star cast, but we’re learning more & more to depend on God for strength. And don’t get me wrong—Kyle & Mike are both beasts & I’m thankful to have them to pick up my slack…We went a little deeper in Bible Study today.
We asked about Paul’ “thorn” & why it is that we have “thorns” in our own lives. They responded that it’s b/c of our sin, & said that Job was punished b/c of the sins he committed. This was HUGE b/c we were able to say that Job was righteous yet still suffered. We got to reiterate that the Gospel is about more than being a moral person! It was frustrating though b/c they wouldn’t look at Job & see what he actually said. They were going by what someone had previously taught them & that really frustrates me that someone could teach them something opposite of what the Bible actually says. But it also encourages me to keep learning as much as I can in seminary, so that I can help people find the truth in God’s word…Played goalie in soccer today, & my leg didn’t feel too bad—just tight, so I’m going easy on it.
I realized how awesome it is to be playing soccer w/ a bunch of Turkana on a dirt field in Kenya. Before I had been so focused on showing off, that I was missing out on just how awesome an experience I was getting to have…Thank you God; thank you for my weaknesses & constantly reminding me that life’s not about me!
We asked about Paul’ “thorn” & why it is that we have “thorns” in our own lives. They responded that it’s b/c of our sin, & said that Job was punished b/c of the sins he committed. This was HUGE b/c we were able to say that Job was righteous yet still suffered. We got to reiterate that the Gospel is about more than being a moral person! It was frustrating though b/c they wouldn’t look at Job & see what he actually said. They were going by what someone had previously taught them & that really frustrates me that someone could teach them something opposite of what the Bible actually says. But it also encourages me to keep learning as much as I can in seminary, so that I can help people find the truth in God’s word…Played goalie in soccer today, & my leg didn’t feel too bad—just tight, so I’m going easy on it.
I realized how awesome it is to be playing soccer w/ a bunch of Turkana on a dirt field in Kenya. Before I had been so focused on showing off, that I was missing out on just how awesome an experience I was getting to have…Thank you God; thank you for my weaknesses & constantly reminding me that life’s not about me!
Day 22:
Woke up this morning & started packing up camp to head to the next drilling project. Well, more like Akai started packing up camp. We weren’t folding the tent up to his standards, so he just took over. He’s a good leader, makes sure everything is executed properly. It shows his appreciation of things. He didn’t even sleep in the tent, yet he still wanted to make sure it was taken care of…2nd to last Born & I carried the generator over to Gene’s old house. It’s not light & it definitely makes you appreciate having vehicles to transport materials. It’s about a 30 minute walk each way & the river was flowing today. This morning it was waist deep, which made carrying materials more difficult. Yesterday, there was almost no water, so we thought they were joking when they said the river was up. But apparently it rained down country b/c it was about up to my chest when we crossed the second & final time today. On the second trip, we had our packs & the girls from the village helped carry the rest. It’s pretty crazy to see them carry huge boxes on their heads across the river when it’s chest deep.
They’re funny to talk to—I usually just say random stuff about Sammy being single or sing love songs to them & see if they can understand any of it. And they usually just tell me to shave my beard & ask me to give them my shoes or sunglasses. Women—they’re always after your money ;) And yes, I'm wearing my special river crossing shorts in the picture below, a.k.a. my boxers!
…Crossing the river was an adventure. We were a little concerned with getting our packs wet considering they had my camera & medicine & clothes all in there. We had to carry them over our heads & pray not to slip. Sammy was carrying our spears (that’s right—me & Kyle got spears!)
& I was trying to avoid getting stabbed by them for most of the way across. Little Michael wanted to help me carry my bag but I couldn’t let him b/c I was scared the water might end up being above his head. I appreciate his big heart though. The girls made it across with all the materials on their heads. These Turkana women are tough! It’s a little scary though b/c I’m not sure how many of these people know how to swim…We saw a huge scorpion under some of the casing this afternoon. It could have had its own zip code. It was black on top & it looked like it could have glowed in the dark! I wasn’t nervous about sleeping in the tent after Kyle’s run-in, but now I’ll probably be a little more cautious going through my stuff…We rode 10 deep back to Lodwar in Gene’s Land Cruiser. I was a long & crowded 3 hour drive, but it felt good to eat some good food & have some cold drinks at Gene & Melba’s.
They’re funny to talk to—I usually just say random stuff about Sammy being single or sing love songs to them & see if they can understand any of it. And they usually just tell me to shave my beard & ask me to give them my shoes or sunglasses. Women—they’re always after your money ;) And yes, I'm wearing my special river crossing shorts in the picture below, a.k.a. my boxers!
…Crossing the river was an adventure. We were a little concerned with getting our packs wet considering they had my camera & medicine & clothes all in there. We had to carry them over our heads & pray not to slip. Sammy was carrying our spears (that’s right—me & Kyle got spears!)
& I was trying to avoid getting stabbed by them for most of the way across. Little Michael wanted to help me carry my bag but I couldn’t let him b/c I was scared the water might end up being above his head. I appreciate his big heart though. The girls made it across with all the materials on their heads. These Turkana women are tough! It’s a little scary though b/c I’m not sure how many of these people know how to swim…We saw a huge scorpion under some of the casing this afternoon. It could have had its own zip code. It was black on top & it looked like it could have glowed in the dark! I wasn’t nervous about sleeping in the tent after Kyle’s run-in, but now I’ll probably be a little more cautious going through my stuff…We rode 10 deep back to Lodwar in Gene’s Land Cruiser. I was a long & crowded 3 hour drive, but it felt good to eat some good food & have some cold drinks at Gene & Melba’s.
Day 23: At Gene's Workshop
Found out at Gene’s today that we are not going back to the bush this next week. Instead, we are helping teach a class at TBTI (Turkana Bible Training Institute) on Spiritual Warfare. It should be interesting, especially after taking my OTI class this past year. Apparently we teach for 3 days, & Simon translates & fills in any stuff he thinks we forgot to cover…We worked at Gene’s workshop today cutting & sanding wood for desks. We cut up plywood with the table-saw, & by table-saw I mean upside down skill-saw that’s jimmy-rigged to a plywood table—OSHA approved, of course!
The desks look really great when finished
…There’s a different mindset about the value of life here. Gene said people will just let their children die rather than have to pay money to get medical help. And CMF will let them pay later, or even just cover it for them. In America, we’d go broke to save a family member’s life. Here, death seems to be more of a normal part of life. People are willing to risk death just to try & save some money. It’s really sad.
The desks look really great when finished
…There’s a different mindset about the value of life here. Gene said people will just let their children die rather than have to pay money to get medical help. And CMF will let them pay later, or even just cover it for them. In America, we’d go broke to save a family member’s life. Here, death seems to be more of a normal part of life. People are willing to risk death just to try & save some money. It’s really sad.
Please keep our team in your prayers as we deal with spiritual warfare & work to teach about this difficult subject this upcoming week.
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